Cause and Cure

What are we doing to find the cause/cure of MND and where are we at?

The process of finding a cause and cure for MND is very slow. It is a slow process; you need to be careful when conducting experiments for research because there is not a lot of funding, the government does not give a lot of money for research therefore research is limited. To find the cause doctors look into motor neurons and try and find out what goes on inside them and try and find what goes wrong. An idea to use on the motor neurons which has risen is to find some sort of molecule to prevent the cell from dying. One cause that is certain is a faulty gene being passed down but why it triggers MND nobody knows.

Can MND be passed genetically and if so how?

MND cells in a lab rat
Around 10% of patients are victims of Motor Neuron Disease because they have inherited a faulty gne. The patient is infected due to the mutation of a specific gene called SOD1. SOD1 is the most common form of familial MND. SOD1 is made from the enzyme called superoxide dismutase. Scientists are still not sure as to why SOD1 causes MND only how it comes to be.