Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Motor Neuron Disease kills someone every day; being diagnosed with the disease is a death sentence. It may be a rare disease, however it is a deadly one. Anyone, anywhere, any age can get MND, the cause for it is unknown and there is no known cure. It is a devastating disease and is a massive problem all over the world.

This is a video introducing our page about Motor Neuron Disease. Please Watch

Sarah's Story

Through this video you will see what it is like to experience MND

Professor Stephen Hawking Celebrates 40 years!

Professor Stephen Hawking is a world renown british scientists. He is a victim of Motor Neuron Disease, he has had it from the age of 21, at the moment he is 68 years old. He has lived with the disease for 40 years. He is a strange story of MND for living longer than 10 years with is the what a few patience pass if they are lucky.

Stem Cells and MND

The future of MND seems to lie in the hand of stem cells treatment, finding an effective way to create Motor Neuron Cells from a stem cell. In 2006, a new treatment called iPS was created that may be the break through to finding a way to make Neuron Cells that could cure MND. Stem cells are turned into motor neurons and when the motor neurons start to die the stem cells are injected into the dead motor neuron giving extra motor neurons and they help to stop more neuron cells dying, unfortunatelly this procedure is yet to be finalised and there for the stem cells die just like the rest of the cells.